Once a place at Woolston CP has been allocated to a child with SEND, our Inclusion Manager meets with the parents to discuss the specific support needs of the child. This meeting determines how best to support the child’s transition into school and what arrangements should be made prior to the start date. The Inclusion Manager, teacher or TA may spend time getting to know the child before they start if this is deemed appropriate. Once the child starts school, a learning plan will be put in place. When children with SEND leave Woolston CP we make the experience as positive as possible. We identify children who may be vulnerable during the transition to high school and offer 1:1 or small group mentoring which may include extra visits and planned sessions in school. We arrange meetings with the Inclusion manager or SEND co-ordinators of the receiving school to plan a smooth transition.
Complaints or Concerns
If your child is on the school SEND register and you have a complaint or concern regarding the support your child is receiving then please make an appointment to see the school SENDCo. You can do this by calling the school office. If you are still unhappy after speaking to the school SENDCo then please make an appointment to speak to the headteacher. As a school we would hope to resolve the majority of concerns via this process however parents can follow the School Complaints Procedure if they are still unhappy after meeting the SENDCo and headteacher.
The school SENDCo/Inclusion lead is Miss Parker.
If you would like to make an appointment to speak to Miss Parker please contact the school office on 01925 837764 or email the school office: