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Mrs lesley Sweeney

Co-Opted Governor – Lesley Sweeney

Lesley was co-opted onto the Governing Body on the 1st October 2024

Lesley sits on the following committee

  • Performance Management (HT)
  • What experience does Lesley bring to Governing our school?

    I am a recently retired primary school Headteacher. After 33 years in education, I just couldn't walk away from a career that I loved and which brought so much joy to my life without giving something back, so I am delighted to take on the challenge of joining the governing body of Woolston Community Primary School and supporting children and staff from the other side of the table!

About Me

I have worked in Warrington for 20 years and have 2 grown up daughters who both received an excellent education and are now pursuing careers in science. The reputation of Woolston as an inclusive, dynamic learning environment where children thrive is well established across the local area and I will try my best to use my skills and experience to date to contribute to the school's future journey.

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