Woolston Community Primary School
Safeguarding Statement
Woolston Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment by contributing to:
- Providing a safe environment for children to learn and thrive
- Identifying children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, by taking appropriate action, with the aim of ensuring that they are kept safe at all times
To achieve this, we:
- Promote safe practice
- Identify instances where there are causes for concern about a child’s welfare
- Initiate and take appropriate action to keep children safe
- Contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved in providing services for our children
Protecting children and keeping them safe from harm is everybody's responsibility. If you have concerns about the safety or welfare of a child you should either come in to school to discuss your concerns with a member of the safeguarding team or contact the local authority Duty and Assessment team on 01925 443400.
The school has a safeguarding team that meets regurlary to discuss any general concerns or any updates about children on the school's safeguarding register. The members of the safeguarding team are:
For more details, please read the Safeguarding Policy available on the website.
The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are Mr Craig Burgess (Headteacher) and Mrs Clare Buckley (DSL and Pastoral Lead)
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Holly Stowell (Deputy Headteacher)
The LAC (Looked After Children) lead is Mr Craig Burgess (Headteacher)
The link governor for safeguarding and PREVENT is Mrs Clare Mcintosh (Co-opted Governor)
The school telephone number if you have any safeguarding concerns is: 01925 837764