Welcome To Our Curriculum Information Page
Curriculum Rationale
We believe that our broad and balanced curriculum should develop both knowledge and skills; it should encourage independence, curiosity, creativity and resilience; produce collaborators, innovators, leaders. It should prepare children to be confident to take the next steps in their education.
Our curriculum is based on Development Matters and The National Curriculum in England (2014).
Structure and Organisation:
Active Learning:
Basic Skills:
Creative Thinking:
Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning. Children work alongside experts and professionals, take part in visits and residential trips and learn both indoors and out. We encourage children to work collaboratively, flexibly and with high levels of independence.
We have consistently high expectations of learning and outcomes. Children are encouraged to improve their learning at every stage and in all subjects. They are encouraged to never settle for anything other than their best work.
How you can help
Ask your child about what they are learning in school
Use the internet and library to help your child to find out more about their topic
Encourage your child to practice their reading and maths skills everyday
Talk to your child’s class teacher if you are unsure about anything, they will be happy to help