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Children at Woolston CP are well behaved, polite and work hard to create a positive environment in which to learn.  We have a community of children who strive to do the right thing and go above and beyond what's expected, rather than simply conforming to the rules.

Our golden rules are

Look after ourselves
Look after each other
Look after our school

Our philosophy is to support children to make their own moral judgements about right and wrong and we have lots of ways to praise and reward children for doing so.  However, as part of their learning journey, children will inevitably make mistakes from time to time and behave in a way that is not acceptable.  When this happens we have a responsibiltiy to guide the children in the right direction and we have a number of ways of doing this.

Attached below are several documents which will help to clarify our policy and proceduces relating to behaviour support. If you require any further clarification please feel free to discuss with your child's class teacher.

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