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Wearing of school uniform shows the commitment to the school’s aims and values as set out in the Home School Agreement.

School Uniform

Our uniform is grey trousers or shorts / skirt or pinafore dress, dark green sweatshirt / cardigan and white polo shirt.  Girls may wear green gingham dresses during the summer term / early autumn term. Children must wear smart, sensible black school shoes at all times other than PE lessons.   The wearing of jewellery, other than small studs and watches, is not allowed. There is absolutely no requirement to purchase school uniform from the school uniform provider or to have uniform with the school logo on.  

P.E Kit

On their class PE Days the children come in to school wearing their school tracksuit.

School Tracksuit  (available from Touchline but if purchased elsewhere it must be all black with no logos)

White t-shirt (with or without Woolston Community Primary logo)

Green shorts

Black pumps

Spare underwear for younger children (in case of accidents)
Financial Support to Purchase Uniform
 If any family is struggling financially to purchase uniform please contact the school office in confidence as we may be able to help. 


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