E-Safety (Digital Safety)
At Woolston Community Primary School we are committed to keeping the children in our care safe. In today’s digital world, we are aware of the fantastic opportunities educationally and otherwise that the internet brings. However, we are also extremely aware and mindful of the potential risks that children may face when they access the internet using the technology that is at their fingertips on a day to day basis.
Children have regular E-Safety training in school which is delivered before the start of a lesson when they are using technology, as part of discrete Computing lessons, assemblies and also through external sources. We also offer E-Safety sessions for parents and carers.
Some useful websites are listed below. Some of the sites have information just for parents, carers or teachers and others have interactive areas and information for children too. Please take a look yourself first then with your child explore some of the sites that are aimed at children.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre – ceop.police.uk
Thinkuknow – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk
NSPCC – http://www.nspcc.org.uk
UK Safer Internet Centre – www.saferinternet.org.uk
BBC – http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/curations/stay-safe
Childline – http://www.childline.org.uk
There is a fantastic area of the NSPCC website that has been developed and is regularly updated called Net Aware. This area gives lots of information about the different social networking sites that our children are accessing. As is always the case with technology, new sites are being developed all of the time and it can be quite difficult to keep up to date with them. Net Aware gives lots of information about old and new social networking sites to help everyone keep up to date – especially parents, carers and school staff!
Click on Net Aware to link to the website to find out more
We are committed to keeping everyone safe and that includes staying safe online.
Follow these 10 rules to stay safe online
1. Never give out personal information.
2.Tell a grown up if you find something that is not right.
3. Never agree to meet people.
4. Never send your personal picture.
5. If someone says something mean online, tell a grown up.
6. Don't do things online that you know are wrong.
7. Check with an adult before you download anything.
8. Never share your password.
9. Set up rules at home for going online.
10. Show your parents/ carers how you use the internet.
Ask yourself
"Will my Mum/Dad/Carer be happy with what I'm doing, saying or posting?"
If the answer is no- DON'T DO IT